Crabwood Crop Formation: Colin Andrews Statement


Colin Andrews has come forward with a statement about one of the most iconic and complex crop formations. The comment was made on Colin Andrews Facebook page.

The statement reads:

“I was approached and contracted to Disney to provide data and a number of photographs of crop circles for the movie ‘Signs’ and its publicity. Disney PR people I was in regular contact with well ahead of the planning for the movie release told me that the team were considering hiring some people to create some amazing crop circles which they hoped would hype the interest in crop circles and in turn the movie. Other dramatic plans were also being considered. I voiced my disapproval and had nothing to do with their idea.

I agreed to provide my research data and a number of crop circle photographs to be used as back drops for TV interviews with the actors and the Director, also at a number of pop festivals to promote it.
The movie Signs was released on August 2, 2002 in the USA and 13 September 2002 in UK.
The Crabwood ‘ET Face with Disc’ crop circle was ‘discovered’ 15, August, 2002.
After the crop circle was made and my own TV appearances had been completed – some with Mel Gibson and Night Shyamalan via satellite to advertise the film, I spoke with one of the ‘Circlemakers’ (Name on file) team based in London and asked if he would cooperate with me in confirming that they had been commissioned by Disney to produce the ET and Disc crop circle, to eliminate my need to fly back to UK to carry out investigations on site?
I was given sufficient information to confirm my personal anger at Disney. They had deliberately deceived the public, in favor of maximizing seats in the movie theater.”
Now, we have heard all the previous comments from the great and the good about how no-one could have made this circle. So, again, as with the Antsy formation, when the revelations come to pass the researchers are suddenly very silent on the subject.
Another revelation which again shifts the focus of what the crop circle phenomena is all about. I am sure there is more to come…

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